Anthropology & Mythology

Anthropology & Mythology

Egypt, Temple of the Cosmos

This new and exceptional work entitled ‘Egypt, Temple of the Cosmos’ is the product of three years of intense historical research by the book’s author Ernesto Baron, who presents a masterful combination of Egyptology, historical knowledge and archaeology.


Olympus, a mistery revealed

In his book “Olympus, a mystery revealed", Ernesto Baron show the way to discover a very ancient and completely unknown Greece that could greatly help us in our psychological, daily and spiritual life.


Tearing the Veil of Mystery

In this book the author presents us with a profound study of Egyptian mythology. This is not just one more book of mythology, like the many that we can find. Here mythology becomes an instrument of psychic, almic and spiritual development of man, through the application of its teachings to the process of the transcendental elevation of human nature. It is the initiatic path that every aspirant who yearns to make the eternal truths a reality within himself must journey.

The Magical Lands of the Celts Featured

The Magical Lands of the Celts

In this very interesting book, entitled “The Magical Lands of the Celts”, the writer, anthropologist and researcher Ernesto Baron introduces us to an enchanting and magical subject. History has still not valued the heights attained by the Celts and Druids of ancient Britain.


The Civilisations of Ancient Mexico

This book, “The Civilisations of Ancient Mexico”, from the writer Ernesto Baron, is a true anthropological and historical study that shows us the authentic feeling and knowledge of the peoples of Mexico. This is not a book like others but rather it transmits the ineffable wisdom of a great culture of wise peoples learned in many branches of knowledge, it is the fruit of a profound work of the author’s investigation, study and experience.


The Myth and Reality of Atlantis

The subject of the Atlantean civilisation is one, which has inspired more writings throughout history than any other, however thanks to this book, “The Myth and Reality of Atlantis” many enigmas and mysteries are revealed through the light of knowledge.