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Truth... is it one, none or many?

Published in Psychology & Sociology

In this book, “Truth… is it one, none or many?” its author Ernesto Baron leads us to reflect with profundity on that great virtue that is Truth, which, however, is articulated and valued less and less in this decadent time that we live. Quoting the author in his introduction, “To become completely truthful in this dark age is very difficult and sensitive, especially when we have responsibilities that force us to enter a dead end, which may alter our life.”

The Magical Lands of the Celts Featured

The Magical Lands of the Celts

Published in Anthropology & Mythology

In this very interesting book, entitled “The Magical Lands of the Celts”, the writer, anthropologist and researcher Ernesto Baron introduces us to an enchanting and magical subject. History has still not valued the heights attained by the Celts and Druids of ancient Britain.