Extracts of "Rescuing Inner Wisdom"

This book of the Psychology of Self-Knowledge will help us to reflect on those aspects of daily life that many of us would like to change, giving us practical keys of understanding, to go deeper within our interior and to achieve an ethical, personal and spiritual development. Below we present a few extracts:

The Psychology of Self-Knowledge teaches us to create a real evolved human within ourselves, to forge a balanced individual, who within their progressive and contemporary way is able to properly manage empathy, joy for the wellbeing of others, ethical and formal codes, which make us happier, calmer, and also profess the same to others.

We must understand that if someone compares themselves it is because they are dissatisfied with themselves, and what is more this is the surest way to create envy in all its aspects.

However, although it may seem absurd, if we want something that is better, positive, evolutionary, prosperous, we should definitely surpass these limits in which the comparative and competitive horizontal life encases us.

But for this, we must understand that true happiness, total wellbeing and wisdom, will only come to us when we escape from these attitudes of more or less, and we position ourselves with the desire to better ourselves without ambition, in the place that corresponds to us. That is valuable and real,  that is why so few achieve it.

We must always strive to live the moment without identification, so that our centres can work at that rhythm, each time generating a higher vibration and producing the lucidity of intelligence, the true feeling of Conscious Love, as well as a strong and healthy body.

Whoever pities themselves will always be dominated by their own conditioning that is transmitted by selfishness and self-love, so this being the case it will not allow them to see clearly or deeply their terrible mistake that limits and demoralises them.

Self-love is so poisonous that it distances us from conscious love, from giving and from helping those who need us. Self-love and selfishness identify us with a centralist personality, in total unconsciousness of thinking only in ourselves and an overriding need of being protected, flattered, adored, and receiving all kinds of praise.

It is more than urgent to learn to live in the moment, the instant in which we exist, without identifying ourselves with the past or the future; in this way, we will little by little eradicate from our psyche this unreal world of illusions and of these kind of illusory fantasies that will have nothing concrete to offer.

If fanaticism and exultant exaltation are not controlled in time and in the correct way, the next step is to be engulfed by a very dangerous and blinding delusion, so it is very important to lead a normal, correct and balanced life.

Do not forget that all of us to a lesser or greater degree have ups and downs in our biorhythms, emotional disturbances, imbalances in our nervous system, changes in our thoughts and feeling, etc. However, if there is more conscious effort, all these states can be overcome.